Hand-knotting works of art from the comfort of her own home is Woodbury resident and the creator behind Minnesota Macrame, Jennifer St. Cyr. As an ode to popular '70s design, St. Cyr says she developed her business last April out of the desire to feed into her longtime passion as a crafter, as well as having free time to try out the art form. “I like the process of starting with a stick and cord and combining those two things through a process of tying knots, creating something useful and beautiful,” she says.
As an artful form of textile, macrame is created from tying fibers into knots to make patterns. Ranging from wall hangings, to mirrors, coasters and plant holders, there is no shortage of creative, yet functional ideas. St. Cyr’s favorite form, wall hangings, work well to warm a space. “Most things that people hang on their walls are hard and angular and the [macrame wall hangings] just have a beauty to it that softens the look,” she says.
St. Cyr taught herself macrame skills from watching tutorials and reading blogs online. Using free time during COVID-19 to her advantage, she began creating in hopes of improving her craft. Within a couple of months, her range in skillset grew and she was creating macrame at an accelerated rate.
With the help of her daughter, she developed an Instagram page to promote and sell her work. “I never intended for this to be a business, I kind of thought it was just going to be a little hobby that I would practice and get better at,” she says. “It happened by surprise.”
What sets her work apart from others is her willingness to use color. Intertwining grays, pinks, sages and mustard tones with neutral fiber, St. Cyr says she is able to create more of a statement. “You can truly see the designs and the knots a lot more if it is in color,” she says. “Some of the features really pop.”
With an eye for detail and a desire for tasteful design, St. Cyr describes her work as, “very neat, tidy and clean.” Creating a combination of originals and commissioned works, she is dedicated to creating quality pieces that are special to each home.
“I love to have things in my home that are unique, I don’t like to buy things that could be in other people’s homes,” avid Minnesota Macrame customer and Woodbury resident Michelle Cashman says. Purchasing a plant holder for her knickknacks, a wall hanging for her living room, woven rainbow décor for the windows and a personalized hanging for her daughter’s bedroom, she values the attention to detail and the quirky element the textiles brings to each space in her house.
St. Cyr uses images provided by the homeowners to give styling expertise pertaining to the size, design, color and placement of the work to ensure that the new addition will be cohesive in their homes. “It has a sense of authenticity to me because it is made by someone that loves what they do,” Cashman says.
With her business growing, St. Cyr says that she hopes to eventually share her skillset with other community members by teaching small group macrame classes. Until then, you can find her work in Afton at Dwell Furniture & Home Décor, and on her Instagram page.