Get a Head Start on Gardening

Check out these tips and plant recommendations from Bailey Nurseries.
Diamond Rogue

Spring may be a few weeks away, but it’s critical to know what to do to ensure healthy and thriving plants. “Timing is really important, and paying attention to when it’s going to warm up,” says Ryan McEnaney, public relations and communications specialist at Bailey Nurseries. “If you are uncovering too early, frost will cause you to lose your flowers.”

For regions such as Woodbury, where drastic seasonal changes occur, good choices are container plants and reblooming hydrangeas. “If you don’t have a ton of area to plant, container gardening is a way to spruce things up,” McEnaney says. “We focus on shrubs,” which are practical because they will last multiple seasons if kept indoors in the wintertime and put back outside when it gets warm.

Bailey’s carries the popular Endless Summer hydrangea collection, with striking colors of red and purple. New this year is the Diamond Rouge hydrangea, part of the First Editions collection. “Instead of the mop-head, these have blooms that look more like cones,” McEnaney says. “Most cone-shaped [blooms] go pink, but this one goes red and then classic white in the summer.”