A Holistic Approach to Hearing Loss

Reynolds Audiology merges personalized service and education for best outcomes.
After starting three practices for other organizations, Jennifer Reynolds opened her own practice last year.

Jennifer Reynolds, Au.D., is an audiologist who is truly passionate about her work. She prides herself in offering exceptional, individualized services, and also being an educator to her patients and the larger community. Reynolds believes education is one of the most important keys to personal health as well as treatment, and uses a holistic approach to treating hearing loss. “It’s really about lifestyle management and looking at the whole body instead of just choosing options that would mask the symptoms,” she says.

Having her own practice, Reynolds Audiology, has liberated Reynolds to have an outcome-driven structure with patients. “The goal is not to see as many patients as possible but having the most successful outcomes,” she says.

Reynolds spends at least five or six appointments with each new patient so she can provide the most efficient support. Hearing problems such as tinnitus (buzzing of the ears) affect both young and old, which is why she believes it is so important that individual care is administered and maintained.