Home Design Trends for 2015

Check out the latest home design trends and tips for 2015.
Roxanne Potter at Pomegranate Designs.

We’ve spent a lot of time indoors over the past few months; it’s safe to bet you’re tired of the same old space and ready to implement of all the ideas you “pinned” or “houzz’d” this winter. It’s time for a little freshening up, so we spoke with Woodbury interior design expert Roxanne Potter, owner of Pomegranate Designs, to see what’s hot for 2015.

Singing the Blues

Still trending are monochromatic neutrals for paint: different shades of beiges or grays. Surprised 50 shades of gray is still popular? Potter says the gray trend is starting to fade on the East coast, but no worries if you just found your perfect Revere pewter or Stonington gray. “These are safe and timeless colors,” Potter says. “You can add a splash of color in accessories like pillows, and it’s more financially feasible.” She adds that a massive color trend this season is in blues—azure, cobalt, teal and navy. As for wood trends, with the popularity of reclaimed wood, lighter wood stains are more popular than the dark stains of past years. 

Flower Power

“Interior design fabrics take the lead from the fashion runway and we are seeing floral influence making a comeback,” Potter says. But this ain’t your granny’s floral. “Florals are updated, modern and transitional, not Victorian,” Potter says. “It might be one big pop of pattern.” Potter adds that chintz is also making a comeback. For readers under age 50, chintz is a floral with a shiny finish, very popular 15 to 20 years ago (Google it; I did). Ironically, this is the same term from which “chintzy” (meaning gaudy or tacky) was derived, so a modern take on chintz ought to be interesting. 

Classy Brassy

And if the floral comeback has you shaking your head, how about brass? It’s back! “We’re seeing brass in plumbing fixtures, lighting, baths and kitchens, but it’s done differently; it’s more of a satin brass, and copper is also popular,” Potter says. Pomegranate Designs has a service that will paint your fixtures, so for a few hundred dollars you can stay on trend. “You can also bring metals into your home with items such as canisters and bowls in the kitchen,” she says.

Glam It Up

Another trend this season is adding some glamor and drama into your space. “Use a dark navy damask on the wall, paired with light fabrics and a glitzy chandelier,” Potter says. Sound like too much of a commitment? She suggests adding drama in small spaces like powder rooms. “People are afraid of a really dark color in small spaces, but it actually works really well,” she says. Potter also suggests using wallpaper in rooms you use the least, like bathrooms, dining rooms and bedrooms, rather than in main living spaces, so you don’t tire of it quickly. “Other whimsical trends are hair hide, like cow, showing up in rugs and chairs,” Potter says. “Also pineapples. The symbol of hospitality, abstract pineapples are showing up in fabrics and accessories like hurricanes and candle holders.”


Roxanne Potter’s Quick Tips for Sprucing up Your Home

  • Walk in through the front door and try to look at your house as if you are seeing it for the first time.
  • Use two to three colors in a room: one strong color and a couple of accents.
  • Less is more. Larger accessories make a statement.
  • Group family photos together in a space like a hallway, rather than having them everywhere. Hang pictures two inches apart; most people tend to hang them too far apart.
  • Change up your accessories timed with seasons—spring/summer and fall/winter. Mantels can be freshened for spring with lanterns, green topiary and summery candles in creams and whites.