Your wellness level depends on consistently getting in a basic workout. But how you approach your workout program will determine whether it upgrades your health or causes an issue—the exact opposite of your intention.
Pushing yourself too hard or too fast, even if you’re using an easy machine, could make health gains from exercise more difficult. Something as simple as wearing the wrong shoes during a long walk could be detrimental.
It is important to remember that, if you have a pre-existing health condition, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, a history
of heart disease or if you’re a smoker, to contact your doctor before starting vigorous physical activity. After all, you want to improve your health, not hurt it.
Once your doctor gives you the green light to workout, follow these tips to train safely and avoid injury.
1. Take five to 10 minutes to warm up before your workout and cool down after your workout.
2. Hold off on workouts when you’re hurt or feeling exhausted. It is okay to cut back intensity in order to finish a workout session. Remember to rest if you feel faint or exhausted after your workout.
3. If you miss a few workouts or stop for a period of time, drop to a lower level of training at first when you began training. For example, lift lighter weights or plan for fewer reps/sets.
4. It’s important to drink plenty of water. If you’re doing a marathon or boxing, select drinks that also supply electrolytes.
5. Working out in hot, sticky conditions can lead to overheating and dehydration. So, in the summer months, train during morning or evenings, or in an airconditioned facility.
Mike Lewis is the owner of 3P Boxing 24/7 and a certified trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. 651.467.5183; 3pboxing247.com