Improving Community Health

Woodbury Community Foundation partners with local organizations for grassroots engagement.

Founded in 2003, the Woodbury Community Foundation (WCF) strives to better the community by connecting members to organizations that can assist them in times of economic despair. They focus on four key areas: youth, jobs, health and food. As part of their growing list of projects, the WCF has partnered with several local organizations and businesses, including HealthEast, the city of Woodbury, the Woodbury Area Chamber of Commerce, Woodwinds Health Campus, Washington County Public Health, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps and more, to start up a new Culture of Health Initiative.

The Culture of Health Initiative was inspired by a presentation given by former Senator Dave Durenberger to a leadership forum in 2014. According to Roger Green, WCF board member and project leader, Durenberger called on a “grassroots engagement around social determinants of health” and encouraged the people of Woodbury to step up to the challenge. Goals are geared toward expanding healthcare opportunities by helping families create strong, healthy foundations, allowing access to more affordable services, seeking out leaders from all areas of the community to encourage a culture of health and to steer Woodbury’s residents on a path that allows everyone to live a healthier life.

The Culture of Health Initiative kicked off last fall; throughout the months of January, February and March, there will be several listening sessions for those who are interested in participating and engaging in the efforts of the WCF, HealthEast and over 30 other Woodbury area groups.

For more information about the Culture of Health Initiative, the listening sessions and how to get involved, visit the website here.