Local Businesswomen Participate in Maiden Minnesota

Belles, Momentum and Julz make an appearance at the 9th annual event.
Workout wear that goes beyond the gym from Belles workout wear

Maiden Minnesota is in its ninth year of celebrating Minnesota-based, women-owned companies. More than 35 women will show off their products in a boutique-like shopping event on November 6 at the Loews Minneapolis Hotel, helping to raise awareness for the local nonprofit Dress for Success Twin Cities. This year, three Woodbury “maidens” will show their fashion, jewelry and accessories.


Kirsten Elles’ business, Belles, features comfortable and stylish workout wear that can transition to the street. Elles designs the clothes herself and says they are “functional to work out in, but it’s also stuff you might put on after your workout to run around town.”


Momentum, owned by Amy Cochrane, features motivational fitness jewelry that is made to be worn during exercise. “It motivates you, inspires you, and is your own little cheerleader,” Cochrane says. Her most popular items are Motivate wraps, which are comfortable bracelets that gently hug your wrists, and Foot Notes shoe charms, which can be added to your workout shoes for a dose of motivation.


Julie Broshat started her company, Julz, by taking old and new belt buckles and embellishing them. Broshat has always been a belt-wearer with an appreciation for the unique, recently getting into necklaces and earrings as well. “I just have a real love for metals and different materials and shapes,” Broshat says. “I don’t really like ordinary.”

Maiden Minnesota
November 6, 2-9 p.m.
Loews Minneapolis Hotel