In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ron Weasley once said, “When in doubt, go to the library.” One local family has taken that sentiment to heart.
Charissa Bates and her husband, Matt, and kids Elijah, Silas and Anya dreamt up their Hogwarts-inspired Little Free Library after their Batman-themed library was damaged due to wind. “We wanted Harry Potter,” she says. “We dreamt up a plan and sent it to my father-in-law, Brad Bates ...”
“I am a retired CAD designer, so when the kids asked if we could build one that looked like Hogwarts, I created the 3D model,” Brad says. The kids critiqued Brad’s work and, with their revisions in mind, he built the library. It was painted by Charissa’s artist friend. “... She seriously transformed it,” Charissa says.
“We just love it so much. People come from all over to take pictures and find a new fun book,” Charissa says. “... We love seeing people peeking in the viewing windows and finding a few fun books to bring home.”
Charissa also released a book, The Traveling Book: A Book About Little Free Libraries, which is available for purchase on Amazon.
Facebook: Hogwarts Little Free Library