For the second time, Curtis Dunn, DDS, owner of Woodbury’s Dunn Orthodontics and a board certified orthodontist, took a break from straightening smiles to compete in the annual CrossFit Games.
Seeking the “Fittest on Earth,” the worldwide fitness competition challenges those who dare to enter in three parts: the Open, Regionals and the Games. The Open took place in February and March, with the top-ranked participants moving on to subsequent rounds. Ultimately, the top 20 athletes moved on to the CrossFit Games in August in Madison, Wisconsin.
“It’s a real test of determination, competing against the very best, and honestly, very humbling at times,” Dunn says. “The highlight for me, of course, was winning the first event [in the CrossFit Games].”
CrossFit encompasses an endless variety of modalities, from gymnastics and Olympic weightlifting to running and rowing, but Dunn’s favorite remains the heavy barbells. In high school, he competed in track and wrestling. He moved on to bodybuilding in his 20s and 30s. As he approached 50, he heard about CrossFit from a patient. “The idea that I could be cardiovascularly fit but also maintain a youthful physique was intriguing to me,” Dunn says. “Kind of like having your cake and eating it, too."
Dunn Orthodontics
650 Commerce Drive Suite 170, Woodbury
Facebook: Dunn Orthodontics