A New Retailer in Town

Stop by and shop at the newest establishment in town, Woodbury’s very own Duluth Trading Co.

This winter, the Woodbury community welcomed a Twin Cities favorite, the Duluth Trading Co. “We’re completely excited to be coming into the Woodbury area,” Maggie Chanthavong, store manager, says. This is the company’s third Twin Cities store, offering another consumer base the opportunity to experience the store’s unique retail environment.

Duluth Trading Co. replaces the former Thomasville Furniture space in Woodbury Lakes Shopping Center. For Chanthavong, what makes this space so special is its large parking lot, size and its visibility. These aspects allow the store to achieve its goal of presenting a “catalogue brought-to-life environment.”

With items ranging from Buck Naked Underwear to women’s No Yank Tanks, the store showcases items that are both practical and high-quality.