Dorothy Ann Bakery celebrates with a holiday cookie exchange

Dorothy Ann Bakery serves up holiday specials at cookie exchange.

For those missing the holiday essential baker gene, Woodbury’s mom and pop bakery offers a homey and comforting solution. Each December, Dorothy Ann Bakery hosts five cookie exchange dates, and gives customers the opportunity to purchase 10 dozen cookies. Generations and friend groups flock to the bakery to participate in an exchange of a different sort. “People make it a part of their traditions, which is nice,” guest service coordinator Sue Johnson says.

Upon setting foot into the bakery, with the cinnamon and butter-induced Christmas scents wafting, shoppers step up to a sampling plate of over 25 cookie choices. In addition, the bakery offers a discount for additional cookie dozens purchased. Dorothy Ann whips up holiday classics including Russian teacakes and spritz cookies, and throws in a few surprises. The exchanges end with a bang on December 19 with the ultimate get together. For $79.99, customers receive the 10 dozen cookie batches, a coffee cake and a yule log. In addition, the bakery’s conference room features café treats and beverages while employees box cookies.

Johnson says the bakery hopes the event holds the same essence of a traditional and home-based cookie exchange. The bakers incorporate small nuances. For instance, each night offers new cookie options. And the best part? Store employees wash each pan, and bake and box each purchase. Cookie sampling is strongly encouraged.


Dorothy Ann Holiday Cookie Exchange
Call to reserve a spot: 651.731.3323
December 5 and 11, 4-7 p.m.
December 8, 1:30-5 p.m.
December 15, 1:30-6:30 p.m.
December 19, 4-7 p.m.
710 Commerce Drive, Suite 100