The Salt Room opens in Woodbury

The Salt Room offers relief for respiratory and skin conditions, and more.
Gloria WahrenBrock

Upon her return from the Dominican Republic in 2013, Gloria WahrenBrock was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia, also known as Legionnaires’ disease. Miserable and dissatisfied with conventional treatments, WahrenBrock decided to try The Salt Room near Orlando.

European salt caves have long been used to treat a variety of respiratory and skin conditions, and the practice has begun to crop up in the United States in the form of salt rooms. WahrenBrock noticed an improvement the first night of her treatment, and after her third session, her problems went away completely. It was then that WahrenBrock decided to bring the health benefits of salt to Minnesota. “I felt it would be beneficial for people here,” she says.

The Salt Room opened in Woodbury in November and offers relief for a variety of conditions including dermatitis, allergies, sinus infections, emphysema, ear infections, cystic fibrosis and more. The facility features three different treatment rooms: a children’s room for children up to 10 years old, an adult room, and a private room that is handicap-accessible. The floors, walls and ceilings of the treatment rooms are covered with pharmaceutical-grade salt that is pulverized into fine dust. Guests are invited to relax in an anti-gravity chair during their session, which WahrenBrock says helps people breathe and better absorb the salt. “We try to accommodate all the different opportunities for salt to benefit your health,” she says.


Each session at The Salt Room lasts 45 minutes. $45 for adult single session, $20 for children’s single session. Memberships and session packs are also available. Visit for full pricing information.