Taste of Woodbury is a popular Woodbury Days event that attracts more than 30,000 people each year. “We ask local businesses and local restaurants to come and represent their food in the event,” says Kim Swanson, head of Taste of Woodbury. “It’s Woodbury and the surrounding areas.” It’s not only restaurants that are welcome at the Taste of Woodbury though; they’ve also opened it up to food truck vendors.
Swanson shares why she thinks Taste of Woodbury is unique. “Everything is under one tent, making it very convenient for everybody,” Swanson says. “We also do not overlap foods. Each place can have three exclusive items that only they sell.”
The volunteer-run event makes sure that cleanliness is a priority too. “Taste of Woodbury is really clean; we’re personally in there picking up trash after people, cleaning tables and making sure everything’s nice,” Swanson says.
Most vendors from the previous years will be attending the event again this year including Acapulco Restaurante Mexicano, O’Malley’s Irish Pub, Rocco’s Pizza, Nadia Cakes, Jamba Juice and more.
If you visit the Taste of Woodbury tent, make sure to vote for your favorite food. “We tally up the votes and will announce the winner at the end of the event on Sunday at 4 p.m. They get a nice plaque that they can display in their restaurant or food truck,” Swanson says.
Taste of Woodbury head Kim Swanson casts her vote for favorite food at the popular Woodbury Days offering.