Kieran Folliard, originally from Ireland, is an accomplished Twin Cities entrepreneur. He created the popular 2 Gingers Irish Whiskey (named after his inspiring ginger-haired mom and aunt). He can hold 50 people spellbound, whiskey in hand, while taking the conversation on as many twists and turns as an Irish country road.
And Folliard is an inspiration to many local seniors; he’s truly teaching us how to be an elder, as evidenced by his star turn on the cover of Minnesota Good Age magazine. One thing Folliard excels at is life-long educational attainment. It’s hard to determine a person’s age when they are avid, eager and full of vigor—instead of aging, they are timeless.
Folliard embraces life’s twists and turns with emotional intelligence and—that particularly Irish characteristic—humor. Learn to laugh at the absurdity of life (and at yourself), and not much can faze you. He shows us that everything you do, at any age, can be elevated by engaging fully with it. Focus on vigor. You’re never too old to exhibit courage, or to give hope to the disheartened or destitute, as Folliard always does. Light your passion, have 2 Gingers on the rocks, and make someone happy today—be ageless.
Margaret Wachholz is the campus marketing director at Woodbury Senior Living. In her column, she shares observations and wisdom about aging and senior living in our community.