With spring weather comes ticks, fleas and mosquitos. These are disease carriers for our dogs. It is time to schedule the annual vet visit for a physical check up and prevention for tick or mosquito borne illnesses. Your veterinarian will guide you to the best treatment for your dog. Many pet-parents are becoming concerned about the toxicity of some of the traditional treatments and are seeking out natural treatments, which are effective and accessible.
Pet Parent Question: “How can I prepare my dog for being outdoors during flea and tick season?”
Spring time is a great time to get your dog their annual physical exam, and to get flea and tick prevention in place (also to have your dog checked for weight and an overall health check). This is a great way to identify any health issues early and implement prevention as an overall practice.
Identifying the best diet and exercise for your dog may change as your dog ages. Considering supplements for diet and activity levels can be helpful for achy bones for older dogs.
Anticipating health issues that may be prevalent in certain breeds and identifying abnormal growths or changes in a dog’s body will prevent pain and hardship for your dog and you and even your wallet.
Donna Chicone is an award-winning author, TEDx speaker and advocate for dogs. When she’s not writing or speaking about dogs, you will find her engaged in pet-assisted therapy work and K9 Nosework with her dogs.