Woodbury’s class of 2021 is busier than ever, juggling classes and clubs with sports and jobs. But they all have their favorite things, too—favorite memories, subjects, people and actors—and things that might just surprise their peers. We sat down with a few of Woodbury’s rising seniors to find out a little bit more about their life inside, and outside, the classroom. Read about the other students here: Elroi Yonatan, Natalie Freisinger, Owen Kuckler, Abigail Musherure
Anita Chetty, East Ridge High School
Woodbury Magazine: What has been your favorite (and most challenging) class?
Anita Chetty: I took pre-AP chemistry and AP chemistry, freshman and sophomore year respectively, and those two classes have made me want to do something in pre-med and chemistry. AP language and composition was one of the hardest to take because of the timed essays.
WM: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
AC: I feel very accomplished that I’ve established a great group of friends who are my support system, and my family is so supportive.
WM: What is one thing your peers may not know about you?
AC: I guess this will be the big reveal … In middle school, I had one of the biggest K-Pop phases.
WM: Who’s your favorite actor?
AC: Cole Sprouse.
WM: What could you not live without?
AC: My tennis racket. It’s become such a big part of my life, since I started in elementary school.
WM: What advice would you give to your younger self?
AC: Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there more, and make connections with friends and teachers, whoever you interact with, because they’ll help you throughout your entire high school career and beyond.
WM: What’s your favorite high school memory thus far?
AC: My friends and I have this tradition, whenever we get the chance, we go to Jerry’s Foods and hang out. It’s a collection of memories.
WM: What are your post-high school plans?
AC: I want to do something in the medical field, hopefully pre-med track with a major in biochemistry or neuroscience. I’m also interested in public health.
Activities and clubs: Community FTC robotics team, captain of the JV tennis team and a dog adoption specialist at the Animal Humane Society.