
Blaise Pascal, a polymath of the 1600s, said even a genius needs beauty, noting, “In difficult times, carry something beautiful in your heart.”

Wesley Ross

For Wesley Ross and Anneteke Adoga, leadership comes naturally.

Evan Erickson

Ask Evan Erickson what his chances were to win a gold medal at the 2021 International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), and he’ll tell you. “About 6,000 students took the F=MA exam, five went to the IPhO.

Academy of Prince

The idea for Purple Playground sparked among Prince fans at a backyard barbecue. It was 2016, shortly after the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer’s death. Sadness and a yearning to keep Prince’s philanthropic legacy alive permeated the yard.

Woodbury Leadership Academy

Woodbury Leadership Academy, a K–8 nonprofit charter school, is extending its perimeter by adding a second building that bridges with the original.

Rock U Music School owner Brian King

Founded on the notion of providing a space for students of all types to discover themselves, Rock U Music School owner Brian King says the school is not tailored to one type of person.

Cynthia Maldonado, Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion Elementary School principal.

“In this moment in the world, where we try to understand people, it’s really nice to try to bridge this world by learning someone else’s language,” Cynthia Maldonado, principal of Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion Elementary School, says.

Jacquelyn Bock

The Annual Community Awards Gala, first held by the Woodbury Area Chamber of Commerce in 2012, recognizes the individuals and nonprofits in the community that make Woodbury a great place to live, work and play.

Go green, compost

When I first began composting, I grabbed an ordinary trash can and composting bags from my local grocer, placed the bin under the kitchen sink and began composting my food and plant scraps.

There is a lot of medical evidence today showing damage to a dog’s neck from a collar—which is important for carrying identification. But a harness is much more appropriate for attaching a leash to—it allows you to snap a leash on the back or at the chest area. There is also a head harness.
