
On a Roll

The Fab Tap drinks trailer

Do what you love. This expression has been the key to so many people’s success, and Lindsey Pattee took it to heart when creating The Fab Tap. With a desire to share her favorite things with others, Pattee explains that her interests serve as the backbone of the business. “I always kept going back to the three things that brought me joy—connection, flowers and a bit of bubbly,” she says. Read more about On a Roll

Holiday Entertaining Tips from Jerry’s Foods in Woodbury

Whoever coined the phrase “the more the merrier” probably didn’t have party hosts in mind. While we love to catch up with our 15 cousins and 17 grandkids, hosting the whole crew can sometimes feel more like a headache than a holiday. If the season has you scratching your head over flourless pie and Paleo stuffing recipes, or wondering where the dining room table leaf is, Nancy Ecker, food and beverage operations manager at the Woodbury Jerry’s Foods, has the answer: order out. “More and more people are catering their Thanksgiving dinner every year,” she says. Read more about Holiday Entertaining Tips from Jerry’s Foods in Woodbury

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