WACO’s yearly Thanksgiving Eve service benefits the local community

The Woodbury Area Clergy Organization hosts annual ecumenical Thanksgiving eve service.

Each Thanksgiving Eve, the Woodbury Area Clergy Orgnization (WACO) hosts a service that brings together celebrators of all faith backgrounds. The hosting duties rotate each year from congregation to congregation, as do the musicians. This year’s celebration, set for 7:30 p.m. on November 27, falls to Woodbury Lutheran Church. “It is an opportunity for the local churches in the area to get together, celebrate God’s goodness and make an impact in our own community,” says Woodbury Lutheran pastor Tom Pfotenhauer. Organizers ask all to bring a donation for the Christian Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf. Woodbury Lutheran Church, 7380 Afton Road; 651.739.5144; woodburylutheran.org