Year-end Giving to Woodbury Nonprofit Organizations

Take the tax deduction and help support five Woodbury nonprofits.
Brenda Mammenga and John Ethridge, volunteers at the Christian Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf.

December is a wonderful time to consider making a gift to a local nonprofit. Here are five local 501(c)(3) organizations that are doing great things in Woodbury.

The Gift of Play

The Madison Claire Foundation serves children and families living with disabilities by creating fully accessible “inclusive” playgounds that reach beyond the limitations of traditional ones. Last fall, the local foundation partnered with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity to build Madison’s Place, the East Metro’s first inclusive play structure, at Bielenberg Sports Center. But there’s still money to be raised to complete this unique project, where children with and without disabilities can play together side by side, fostering friendships, understanding and acceptance. “It has been an amazing year and we are so grateful for all of our funding partners getting us to the phase of being able to build Madison’s Place and giving each child the opportunity to play,” says Dana Millington, Madison Claire Foundation president.

Bringing Hope to the Table

Since 1983, the Christian Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf (CCEFS) has provided food, personal care items and more to people in need. CCEFS serves more than 125 households each week and is a critical resource in our community, depending on the generosity of churches, private citizens, schools, fraternal groups, foundations and businesses to pursue its mission. “While food donations are always welcome, financial donations can be better leveraged by CCEFS through our purchasing network,” says Greig Metzger, executive director. “Not only can we purchase food at a significant discount to retail, we also can acquire healthy food like fresh produce, fruit and milk that can’t be easily donated by individuals.”

Break a Leg

Playing since 1975, Woodbury Community Theatre is a gem in our community, providing opportunities every year for hundreds of people of all ages to take part in the theater experience. You can become a friend or sustaining supporter and earn free tickets, become a presenting or intermission sponsor for one of the season’s shows or programs, or take your seat in the Loft Stage and have a permanent plaque on the donor wall. “We need and are grateful to our donors, who support 40 percent of our nonprofit budget,” says Michelle Witte, operations director.

Helping Hands

The Woodbury Lions Club is known for its community garage sale and pancake breakfast. All net proceeds help the Woodbury community through student scholarships; support for the veterans’ memorial, citizens’ academy, Relay for Life and local food shelf; plus sight and hearing assistance such as eyeglasses and hearing aids. “Our motto is ‘We Serve,’” says Joel Williams, president. “We have been engaged in meaningful service projects for the benefit of the Woodbury community since 1969, and invite anyone with interest to attend one of our monthly meetings.”

The Well-being of Woodbury

The Woodbury Community Foundation (WCF) strengthens the community by connecting people and organizations with causes that matter while serving all residents, particularly those who are economically stressed and disconnected. Focus areas include youth development, job skill acquisition, hunger relief, a culture of health and wellness, and leadership development. The WCF offers giving opportunities to serve Woodbury for decades. “The foundation’s endowment program pools contributions to fund innovative programs that create the greatest impact in our community,” says Jack Lanners, WCF chair. “We provide simple ways to fulfill charitable interests and help people invest in the causes they care most about while addressing the most immediate unmet needs of the community.”

For more information on making year-end contributions, visit the website here.