Beers to Beat

Three of the tastiest fall beers from Jerry’s Wine & Spirits store manager Lee Bjorgan.

Looking for a fun fall brew? Check out these satisfying options, available at Jerry’s Wine & Spirits.

Spaten Oktoberfest
This traditional Oktoberfest from Munich’s Spaten Brewery is considered the world’s oldest version. It’s a complex-tasting amber beer, known for being aromatic with toasted malty notes.

Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest

This California-made beer is an American take on the tradition. Although still a Märzen style, it’s a true amber with a deep golden, almost red, color and a slightly spicy brown sugar finish. Each year the brewery partners with a different German brewer for a fresh approach.

Southern Tier Brewing Company Pumking
This brew from New York only comes out for a brief time. It’s a deep copper pumpkin beer, loaded with spicy sweet malted flavors including vanilla, clove, nutmeg and cinnamon. Pairs great with traditional Thanksgiving food, and is a great stand-in for dessert.