Part of being a mature adult for me means that I’m not a big fan of full-frontal nudity in movies, for example, or of using rough language.
According to Christine Porath’s book, Mastering Civility, 60 percent of employees say that they act uncivilly because they are overworked and stressed. Some supervisors say that they just don’t have time to be nice. Some say the family is frazzled and community is frayed. Many students coming to school lack a secure emotional base. We sometimes focus more on our phones than on the faces and feelings of actual people. Quietly, many are bemoaning the death of civility.
What I do know is that watching modern movies leaves me feeling lousy. I hear from my elders at Woodbury Senior Living that there is very little to watch on TV of much value; they say that the language is often offensive. Back in the day, they used brainpower for things like memories, traditions and building connections. Even my teenage children are letting us know that there is nothing left to the imagination.
I’m reminded by sage elders that children at home will mirror our tone, our acts of kindness, what we deem acceptable, what we abhor, and the way we live our values. I don’t want to give Hollywood the business anymore, so I’m switching off the viewing at home as much as we can.
We have to lay important groundwork for a more resilient frame of mind to cope with life’s ups and downs. This includes getting sad and mad, and letting go.
What is our grand mission? What is our hope for connection of community? I hope we aren’t looking to Hollywood for moral guidance.
Margaret Wachholz is the campus marketing director at Woodbury Senior Living. In her column, she shares observations and wisdom about aging and senior living in our community.