All around the world, eggs are decorated and used in various activities to celebrate the Easter season. In the United States, we have the legendary Easter egg hunt. Woodbury’s parks and recreation department gives you the opportunity to join in on the tradition with two special egg hunts on March 27 at Carver Lake Park. The old-fashioned egg hunt begins at 6:30 p.m. for children under 7; the egg hunt is candy-free, with eggs filled with trinkets. The flashlight egg hunt begins at 8 p.m. and is for older youth, ages 7 and up.
Be sure to bring a flashlight for the nighttime hunt, and a basket, and dress for the weather. Children must have an adult in the area during the event. Visit to preregister. Traditional egg hunt is free; flashlight egg hunt $3 pre-registration, $5 at the door if space is available.