Food & Drink

Marry Me Chicken

My husband learned early on in our relationship that I had serious skills in the kitchen. I learned early on that he loved any pasta dish with chicken in it.

A tomahawk steak from Ren + Bos sits on a TAZ cutting board.

Get a jump on your shopping list with a few favorite grilling items, from a guy who knows a thing or two—local foodie Instagram influencer Justin Konopaski (@cooking_with_justin).

A reverse sear tomahawk steak cooked by Justin Konopaski, aka @cooking_with_justing.

A tomahawk steak is a ribeye with at least five inches of rib bone left intact—giving it a bit more drama, and a handy spot to grab it with your tongs.

Justin Konopaski, who runs the foodie Instagram @cooking_with_justin.

Woodbury’s Justin Konopaski is a 3M facilities engineer by day and foodie influencer by night.

A chef prepares food for two guests at the Woodbury Community Foundation's Chef Fest.

Leave this year’s Chef Fest with a full tummy and a fuller heart—the Woodbury Community Foundation’s annual fundraiser returns for its fifth year.

A table stocked with healthy Thanksgiving and Christmas dishes.

Survive the six weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas by creating healthy, alternative dishes.

Smoked salmon and brie appetizer, made from a recipe by Lunds & Byerlys.

FoodE Expert Amy Goetz offers up a smoked salmon and brie appetizer that's perfect for your next gathering.

A family gathers around a table for Thanksgiving dinner

Our Woodbury Senior Living columnist reflects on how traditions help bond us to the ones we love.

Various items from United Noodles in Woodbury

Eric Fung's lap cheong fried rice is a classic no-recipe recipe—a dish with just a few ingredients that you make the way you want.

Various items from United Noodles in Woodbury

Inside United Noodles, Woodbury’s newest culinary gem.

A variety of Halloween drinks and decor ideas

Spook up your Halloween party with these drink decor ideas.
