Each month, we feature one of the photos from our 2018 Focus on Woodbury photo contest. This month, we asked photographer Lori Pearson to tell us about “Flower ‘Bed,’” which took third place in our Wildlife & Nature category.
When and where did you take the photo?
I took this shot on August 17, 2018 in my front yard while tending to my flowers.
What kind of camera did you use?
I shot this with a Nikon D7200.
What’s your favorite thing about the image, or what struck you about the scene and inspired you to take it?
This shot just makes me laugh. When I spotted the frog nestled in my flowers, I ran back into the house and grabbed my camera. The bright colors of the frog and of the flower really pop.
What’s your photography background?
I am an amateur photographer, but I just recently sold a few of my photographs, which I’m thrilled about. My photography encompasses capturing quirky images, the blessings of nature, and the essence of being human.