Giving Back

Angel of Hope Memorial statue

Angel of Hope Memorial Coming to Woodbury. The Angel of Hope Memorial provides a space for parents to honor their lost children.

When Donna Smith-Stafford started Koins for K9s three years ago, her mission was to add to the legacy her late husband, Bruce Stafford, had created for himself in his dedication to protecting others.

While most marathoners worry about staying hydrated, a group of Woodbury runners prays their 26.2-mile effort will help fund clean water for people in Africa.

Joel Bradley and Thomas Herzberg
Woodbury High School

For the past seven years, New Life Academy’s student-run nonprofit, Buy a Coffee, Buy a Well, has been undergoing philanthropic efforts for Living Waters International, an organization that builds and repairs wells in countries that don’t have access to clean water.

Those looking for rising community artists need not look further than Woodbury resident Kayte Barton.

It’s not often you can go shopping and feel genuinely good about your purchases, but Woodbury native Joy McBrien has created that with Fair Anita, a public benefit corporation that supports women throughout the world who have experienced sexu

The name of Woodbury resident Dave Merten’s 8-year-old salsa company, SnappyDog Salsa, started as a family joke. While snorkeling on vacation, Dave’s son saw a dog snapper fish and was so excited he flubbed the fish’s name.

It’s easy, living amid the affluence of Woodbury, to forget that there are many people in our community who lack access to basic needs including food and clothing. Members of Woodbury Lutheran Church, home to the Christian Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf, recognized this firsthand.

The Double Dog Dare Challenge is a fundraiser benefitting the Northern Star Council of the Boy Scouts of America, where participants raise $1,000 for the opportunity to rappel down the 23-story U.S. Bank Plaza in downtown Minneapolis.

When Donna Smith-Stafford lost her husband to a sudden heart attack, Woodbury lost a beloved and dedicated community leader.
