We all want a strong and healthy body, but thoughts about past failures can stop us from developing healthy habits now. As trainers, we hear a similar tale over and over: I’ve struggled with weight all my life. I’ve tried everything, and nothing has worked.
My follow-up questions during a discussion like this include, “Have you been consistent with exercise and good nutrition?” “Have you included resistance and cardiovascular training on a regular basis?” In most cases, the answer is no to both questions.
You need a plan for both exercise and nutrition. Write it out today and get started this week. Make time for yourself if you want results. Here are some tips:
- Plan out days and times for exercise and don’t let anything get in the way.
- When life happens and you lose a day or two of exercise, add in another day or two and save your week.
- Plan and prepare your food every week. Spend time thinking about it. Find healthy recipes you love and make them a lot. Don’t give yourself permission to get bored with healthy foods.
- Eat at home most of time.
You have control over your health. Move it in a positive direction. It might sound impossible, but the effort it takes to eat good foods and exercise more than pays you back. You can do it, even if it feels like you’ve tried everything. You haven’t. Let’s wipe your slate clean and get started on what you can do.
Jill Strand is a co-owner and certified trainer at UpLift Guided Fitness in Woodbury.