Summer is close at hand, and it’s time to play! Woodbury Parks and Recreation and the Madison Claire Foundation are creating the perfect play environments for everyone.
Open when the weather gets warm enough is the splash pad outside Bielenberg Sports Center, which will offer around 10,000 feet of water play, including two separate play areas tailored to different age groups. Next to the new splash pad will be Madison’s Place, an accessible playground for kids of all abilities.
Dependent on fundraising by the Madison Claire Foundation, construction should begin this summer. The playground will be one of the largest accessible playgrounds in Minnesota and 100-percent ramped, which allows children with physical disabilities to access all parts of the playground. The goal of the playground is to bring children with and without disabilities together and foster friendships, says Dana Millington, founder of the Madison Claire Foundation. The playground will also allow parents with disabilities to interact with their children in a more hands-on way than traditional play spaces allow.
The splash pad and Madison’s Place will be connected and share a large family restroom building. Also, the playgrounds will be connected to the local trail system, making access even easier.
For more information on donating funds for Madison’s Place, go to