The World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and animal rights organizations state they’re still learning about the virus that causes COVID-19. The CDC is aware of a small number of animals who have contracted the COVID-19 virus. It’s likely the virus was passed on to the animal by humans, but the opportunity for dogs or cats to pass the virus back is very low.
Pet Parent Question: “Are there any precautions I should take for my dog if someone in my family tests positive for the COVID-19 virus?”
To keep yourself and your pet safe, follow the six-foot and hand washing guidelines set by the CDC. If you, or a family member, test positive for the COVID-19 virus, it’s important to identify someone (before you should get ill) who can isolate and care for your dog for two weeks. Prepare a bag of dog food and treats, leash and collar, medical information and medications if necessary. Include a picture of your dog, toys, veterinarian contact information and information about your dog’s routines. Safe and healthy woofs & smiles!
Donna Chicone is an award-winning author, TEDx speaker and advocate for dogs. She lives in Woodbury. You might find her engaged in pet-assisted therapy work.