Woodbury Days: A Twilight Highlight

A salute to our city’s beloved summer gathering.
This photo placed third in the Events category in Woodbury Magazine’s 2014 Focus on Woodbury photo contest.

Joyce Anderstrom and her husband, Alan, headed to Ojibway Park last August to enjoy the evening excitement of Woodbury Days. “By the time we hit the midway, the sky was full of color and I looked for a view that would capture the beautiful sunset sky, plus the colorful tents and flags,” Anderson says.

Woodbury Days continues to be an enjoyable experience for people of all ages. “When I was a girl, I remember the excitement of going to the local fair for an evening with a pocketful of tickets for the rides,” Anderstrom says. “The smells of cotton candy and popcorn, the rumble and screams of the rides, the music of the merry-go-round and the fun of seeing friends and neighbors all made it a ‘twilight highlight.’”

To capture this photo, Anderstrom used “a little Canon Power Shot A590; I had to squeeze the battery cover to get a power connection.” She takes lots of flower photos as well as photos of her nine young grandchildren. “It’s a circus trying to get them to all look at the camera . . . they are much easier to hug than photograph,” she says.