A year ago, at the Woodbury Area Prayer Breakfast, Mark Crea, executive director of Feed My Starving Children, challenged Woodbury to the idea of hosting a mega mobile pack—a community-wide event to pack meals for the hungry. That challenge is becoming a reality as planning is underway for a city-wide mobile pack October 8-11 at Bielenberg Sports Center.
Feed My Starving Children is a nonprofit organization committed to feeding hungry children with hand-packed meals specifically formulated for the malnourished, which are shipped to nearly 70 countries around the world. The goal for Woodbury’s event: packing four million meals over the four-day period, requiring 60 packing stations with 25 people per station, 20,000 volunteers each taking a two-hour shift. Local churches and businesses are stepping up with contributions for the meals to feed the hungry, which cost 22 cents each.
“A unique aspect to the Woodbury mobile pack is that 10 percent of the money raised will support our local Christian Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf, so we are assisting hunger needs both at home and around the world,” says Lisa Engh, who co-chairs the event with Nikki Robbins. For more information on making a donation to fund the event or volunteering to pack meals, go to woodburyfeeds.org.