Woodbury Magazine Nabs Industry Award

Magazine receives a bronze award from the Minnesota Magazine and Publishing Association.

We at Woodbury Magazine are very proud of our art team. This group of talented individuals brings the magazine to life each month with spectacular photography and design.

Woodbury Magazine
was recently recognized by our peers at the Minnesota Magazine and Publishing Association (MMPA) with an excellence award: the bronze award for cover design. The awards, presented at MMPA’s 18th annual Excellence Awards Gala, were given to recognize and foster outstanding publishing achievements. “Minnesota has a very active and talented magazine and publishing industry; thus, the competition is intense,” says Tamara Prato, group publisher at Tiger Oak Media, our magazine’s publisher. “We were thrilled that Woodbury Magazine received this honor.”

The April 2014 cover, featuring a photo of Penn State baseball player Colin Keefe, was the winning entry. Art director Jacqueline Hagyard designed the cover and the photo was taken by staff photographer Emily J. Davis.