
Most read articles of Woodbury Magazine 2022

Woodbury Magazine's Most Popular Stories in 2022. Readers spent the year exploring Woodbury through their stomachs.

Every year, Woodbury Magazine accepts photography submissions for our annual photo contest. In September, winners were selected by a juried panel for each category and a Reader's Choice winner was selected by you, our readers. Congratulations!

When Michelle Anderson-Horecka and her husband, Bill, moved to Woodbury from Coon Rapids just over two years ago, they couldn’t have anticipated how big a change that move would be. Shortly after settling in to their new home, Michelle was diagnosed with a rare pancreatic condition.

When she found out that the Woodbury Heritage Society is working on fundraising campaigns to preserve the historic Miller Barn, “I wanted to get some pictures of it in different seasons,” says photographer Jane Andersen.

What does it mean, to you, to be a conscientious member of the Woodbury community?

Having opportunities to express—both in words and spending power—what you like about living and doing business here?

A common drive-by turned into a beautiful photo opportunity for 42-year Woodbury resident Karen Bradley. “I drive by there all the time, and it is such a peaceful place. I wanted to capture that,” Bradley says, talking about her photo taken at the Heritage House in Woodbury.

The Woodbury community is overflowing with young, female leaders. You can find them at ribbon cuttings for businesses around town, reading at schools during I Love to Read Month, cleaning up trash along city highways and much, much more.

Most Americans stopped for a few minutes to look up last summer, for the rare chance to see the sun eclipsed by the moon. Woodbury resident Jonathan Hunt and his family were no different.

The Woodbury-Cottage Grove chapter of the League of Women Voters turns 50 this year (read more on page 22).

On a beautiful warm day, Lorrie Burdeski headed out into her backyard with her two dogs, Fallon and Elmer, armed with her camera and a pocket full of puppy food. “Fallon is a husky/border collie mix, and Elmer is our retriever mix,” Burdeski says.
