“This is a photo of a Saw-Whet Owl who happened to fly into our yard, during the daytime … Saw-whet owls are the smallest of owl species in the U.S. and totally nocturnal. I was very surprised to see it sitting up in our tree at about eight feet or so,” says Nancy Berg, photographer and retired biology teacher. “[I’ve] had a love of animals my entire life. I normally am in the ocean photographing sharks and macro-critters, but due to COVID-19, I was forced to change my ‘focus.’ I decided, in 2020, to start photographing animals of Minnesota … I am always inspired by nature, whether it be the Philippine coral reefs I dive several times a year or owls in my backyard.”
“I have been a photographer since 1980 after graduating from college. I have traveled to 136 countries around the world, photographing flora, fauna and cultures.”
Photographer: Nancy Berg
Title: Wise Eyes
Equipment: Nikon D500 with Nikon NIKKOR 70-200mm F2.8 lens