Health & Wellness

Hugo Rouvinen (fourth from the top left) with the Florida Vikings semi-professional floorball team.

Hugo Rouvinen may reside in the land of hockey, but for the East Ridge High School junior, floorball is life. And if Rouvinen gets his way, others will soon see his point of view as he works to grow the sport in the U.S. and, hopefully, start a professional team in Minnesota.

Anyone with a basic understanding of the human body knows that we are made up of systems, and these systems work together.

Woodbury resident Derek Sharrer has wanted to be the general manager of a baseball team since his early years in college. Sharrer has been with the St. Paul Saints since 2004, but he didn’t start there.

Woodbury celebrates health and wellness with We Are Well Within, Woodbury, a 3-month long event that offers community-oriented events and activities to encourage and teach about healthy living.

Over a year removed from the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Russia, we’re so ready to jump back into the world of figure skating.

Yes, master gardeners have green thumbs and gorgeous, bountiful gardens. But did you know that they give back to the community through volunteer commitments such as teaching classes, answering questions about home horticulture and spearheading community gardens?

For the average golfer, the sport is a leisurely activity for weekends or the occasional summer evening. At Eagle Valley, the city of Woodbury course, the men’s team took the leisurely sport and turned it into a championship.

Any time a high school baseball team wins a state championship, there are plenty of stories to tell.

With only around 94 days of actual summer, and often unpredictable fall and spring weather, we Minnesotans have learned to pack a lot of baseball into a little bit of time.

For many years, the Woodbury Area Prayer Breakfast has brought the community together for an inspiring morning of faith and learning. The legacy will continue this year with the breakfast set for 7 a.m.
