Health & Wellness

Hugo Rouvinen (fourth from the top left) with the Florida Vikings semi-professional floorball team.

Hugo Rouvinen may reside in the land of hockey, but for the East Ridge High School junior, floorball is life. And if Rouvinen gets his way, others will soon see his point of view as he works to grow the sport in the U.S. and, hopefully, start a professional team in Minnesota.

The success of Woodbury has everything to do with the community itself, and the Woodbury Area Chamber of Commerce Gala sets out to recognize this excellence.

When temperatures drop and snow starts to fly, most Minnesotans flock to the gym to escape the cold. But there is an unusual breed of athletes in Woodbury who refuse to let the weather push them indoors. Instead, they strap on their shoes, don face masks and head to their favorite trail.

We flip the calendar to 2015—a new year, a clean slate for the future. This is a time to pause and reflect on the year that has passed, and look ahead to what’s on the horizon.

One of Woodbury’s original businesses, Wooddale Fun Zone, recently celebrated its 40th year.

Remember when you were a senior in high school and you were a lacrosse captain, sat on student council, belonged to the National Honor Society, sang in choir, were a designated sports superfan, and owned your own photography business? (Gasp for breath).

Ebenezer Scrooge has become a staple of the holiday season, and Woodbury Community Theatre is bringing the iconic curmudgeon to the stage in a musical adaptation of Charles Dickens’ novella A Christmas Carol.

While the Woodbury Police Department is teeming with exceptional officers, there are three who stand out from the rest. It’s not their extraordinary loyalty, rigorous training or fearless nature that sets them apart; it’s their ability to run on four legs.

Woodbury resident Bill Schafhauser, coach of the Hill-Murray School girls’ hockey team, has had a life-long love for the sport he coaches. The St. Paul native attended Hill-Murray himself, part of the class of 1980, and played on the varsity hockey team during his four years as a student there.

After worshipping at East Ridge High School for the past three years, Eagle Brook Church settled into its new location in September .

There’s a whole lot of ice we’re not happy about: ice on our driveways, ice on our roads, ice hanging off our roofs. Outdoor skating is an opportunity to embrace the ice for a change, and maybe even have a little fun with it.
