Shops & Business

Passing by Sweet Pea’s Floral, it might not be immediately obvious that miraculous transformations are occurring within.

On Christmas 2013, Sharon and Bruce Perkins received what Sharon describes as “the best gift we’ve ever asked for.” It was a dollhouse-sized book shelter, handcrafted by their son-in-law, Brian Alwin.

A Greener Read wants to change the scope of the classic “reduce, reuse, recycle” motto and has been pretty successful in doing so.

Picture 40,000 square feet—half of Bielenberg Sports Center’s (BSC) field house—with 200 tables and 1,100 chairs, set up in 60 packing stations to assemble 4 million meals for the hungry. That vision will become a reality in three months as Woodbury hosts a mega mobile pack October 8–11.

Valley Creek Mall has acquired a sense of style since Crafty Chicks on the Loose moved in last spring. Motivation behind the business’ move to Woodbury was simple.

Merriment Adornments is a known home and interior design store in Tamarack Hills. What may not be known is the beautiful jewelry found inside. “We have a number of jewelry lines, some from bigger vendors but most from small vendors around the U.S.

Simon Says Give®, an Eagan-based nonprofit with the mission of Kids Celebrating Kids®, is proud to present in partnership with the Woodbury YMCA Youth Group a Hollywood Meets Bollywood Dance.

There’s no question you can do some great shopping and eating in Woodbury. Nothing beats staying local. With all the options in town, it can feel like you never have to leave.

In the past 10 years, no other sport has paralleled the growth of lacrosse in the Twin Cities. This once-fringe sport has become a main event, and the east side of the metro has been no exception in this newfound love for netted sticks.

There’s plenty for graduating high school seniors to look forward to in the spring. In Woodbury, in addition to all the parties and pomp and circumstance, students look forward to giving back to their community.
