Focus on Woodbury photo contest

Picturesque Pier

Foggy Morning at Powers

Kent Nye, hobbyist photographer, took his winning photograph on a particularly hazy morning in September 2020. The photo features a stunning scene of the Powers Lake fishing pier. “I woke up really early one morning. It was completely still and foggy out, and I wanted to capture the softness of the fog and the solidness of the pier,” Nye says. Read more about Picturesque Pier

Winter Wonders

Fresh Ice

Greg Hagen has enjoyed taking photos as a creative outlet for a long time, but he recently began to delve deeper into the hobby. “Two years ago, I took a community-ed course on photography, and that pushed me forward quite a bit,” he says. Hagen recalls when he took this second place photo winner last winter. He says, “I drive a school bus, and while parked between routes one day, there was such a beautiful scene at [Colby] lake, I had to capture it.”  Read more about Winter Wonders

Ron Hawkins shares a moment at the Lions Veterans Memorial with an unexpected friend.

Ron Hawkins and turtle

On a cloudy and windy day, Woodbury paramedic Ron Hawkins spent time at the Lions Veterans Memorial.

“It was the day before Memorial Day, and I was enjoying the beautiful memorial by myself until I noticed the turtle appreciating the area as well,” Hawkins says. Read more about Ron Hawkins shares a moment at the Lions Veterans Memorial with an unexpected friend.

Prelude to Fall

A resident of the Colby Lake area since 1991, Julie Hall is a longtime photography enthusiast. “I took some photography classes in high school and college. Prior to an Alaskan vacation in 2013, I took one through community education to refresh some of my photography skills,” Hall says. “That’s when I purchased my current camera, a Nikon D5100.”

Hall used that camera, with a 300mm lens, for this colorful photo. “This was taken on my front steps,” she says. “I enjoy gardening, so I take lots of pictures of my flowers.” Read more about Prelude to Fall

Serious Soccer Player

After finishing his first soccer session last August, 5-year-old Max Thao wanted more time to practice on the field. “On our way home, we stopped at Evergreen West Park,” says Max’s mother, Ah Her. “I thought it would be nice to capture a few photos of him since he was so excited about soccer.”

Her, an investigator for the state of Minnesota, used her Nikon D5100 DSLR for the photo shoot.

“I enjoy taking photos of nature, but my favorite and frequent subjects are my children,” she says. “I want to be able to capture all their moments and expressions as much as I can.” Read more about Serious Soccer Player


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