
Most read articles of Woodbury Magazine 2022

Woodbury Magazine's Most Popular Stories in 2022. Readers spent the year exploring Woodbury through their stomachs.

Donna Lloyd enjoys going for walks in the summer and takes her camera whenever possible to take photos of nature and wildlife. The kindergarten teacher took this photo at Bailey’s Arbor.

You never know what will pop up in the garden. Just ask Sarah Kroening. “While harvesting tomatoes last August, I noticed a small speck of what appeared to be dirt on one of the tomatoes,” Kroening says. “Upon further inspection, I noticed the perfect swirl of a snail shell.

Woodbury High School students Josh and Jasmine Chikkala shared local news while visiting family in Hyderabad, India.

The 2016 contest is now closed.

Christine Quirk, 22, has lived in Woodbury her entire life with one exception: She went away to New York for college, then moved back to town in May 2016. This fun photo was taken in her family’s pool last summer.

Spring means many things to eager Minnesotans, who can resume beloved outdoor activities unencumbered by down lining and flannel.

Anyone who lives in Minnesota knows the Midwest isn’t “flyover country.” Woodbury native and Minneapolis resident Annie D’Souza is challenging that false notion one blog post at a time.

Island Getaway
Cindy Ekern of Woodbury paused while hiking the Ancient Kings Trail on Hawaii’s Waikoloa Island to snap a photo with a copy of Woodbury Magazine.

When Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito’s husband, Bob, was deployed to Somalia in 1992, she had trouble finding many resources for military spouses like her.

Friends and neighbors since 1999, Linda Berg, Brooks Berg, Jim Ickstadt and Jean Ickstadt traveled together to the British Virgin islands, where they lived on a sailboat for a week. The photo was taken at Leverick Bay by beautiful bougainvillea bushes.
