Our Woodbury Heritage Society owes a debt of gratitude for an astonishing group of community volunteers!
Shops & Business
Woodbury shop Pet Evolution holds an annual fundraiser for the Woodbury Police K9 Fund. This year’s event raised $3,700 for the non-profit organization. Hundreds of people came to the event with their pets including dogs, cats and even geese—and got to take photos with the big guy in red.
Saying we care about Woodbury’s heritage while losing our city’s historical buildings is a paradox, columnist writes.
The people behind this Woodbury business have been experts in Macintosh computers for over 40 years.
As the renovation gets underway, we talked with the current owners and the granddaughter of the original owners to learn about the home’s past, present and future.
From acne spot treatment to lip balm and deodorant, BeeNaturalz offers an array of natural products with beeswax, honey, pollen and other ingredients sourced locally.
When the Woodbury Rotary Club says it’s “an inclusive community for all,” its members prove they aren’t joking around.
For more than 15 years, one of the Twin Cities' most influential law firms has quietly grown and thrived in Woodbury. It is Shumaker & Sieffert, a patent law firm founded in 2001 by two long-time Woodbury residents, Steve Shumaker and Kent Sieffert.