Hugo Rouvinen may reside in the land of hockey, but for the East Ridge High School junior, floorball is life. And if Rouvinen gets his way, others will soon see his point of view as he works to grow the sport in the U.S. and, hopefully, start a professional team in Minnesota.
Health & Wellness
What are the reasons for your beliefs? Is it religion, politics, family, society or business? Is it tied to your sense of salvation or meaning in this life?

Make the most of the warm, sunshine-filled days and elevate your fun in the comfort of your own backyard. Start a socially distant lawn game tournament with others to make it competitive or simply enjoy a leisurely game with your friends and family.

With an emphasis on ease and comfort, a more natural approach to beauty is taking the world by storm.

Backyard camping is a timeless experience, but it is also a lengthy process. Hours of time are spent setting up the tent, blowing up the air mattress and gathering all the pillows and sleeping bags for just one night under the stars.
The COVID-19 virus activated our stress responses and sent our nervous system into overdrive, then we had to carry all the other events that followed. The pandemic and social isolation has disrupted our mind-body connection.

Joining a gym is great for your health and we are all aware that we should try to be a bit more active as we age. Not only does a gym membership make it easier and more enjoyable to exercise, but, if you need more motivation, you waill also find it at the gym.

Woodbury residents are about to get the fresh feel of spring cleaning when digging out their gently used items for this year’s 44th annual city-wide Lions Garage Sale on the weekend of May 13.
Those words—happiness and beauty—are vague. I am not sure if it is a direct sensation from our five senses or a hard-to-define emotion. I think it is more of a state of being, which can encompass all the things that happen in life.
Beginning a new workout program is challenging sometimes. Making the time to work out, creating a flexible schedule and setting goals is difficult enough, but include the muscle soreness that comes with adjusting to that new workout, and it may be difficult to remain on track.