Hugo Rouvinen may reside in the land of hockey, but for the East Ridge High School junior, floorball is life. And if Rouvinen gets his way, others will soon see his point of view as he works to grow the sport in the U.S. and, hopefully, start a professional team in Minnesota.
Health & Wellness

Adopted dogs often have special needs - here are some tips for helping your new addition adjust.

What you eat can greatly improve your chances of successfully battling viruses or other pathogens that dare cross your path.

Listen to your dog to help determine the best food for them.

A dog’s love is unconditional—however, this time of isolation can also bring stress.

Backed by science and technology-tracked, Orangetheory Fitness opened in Woodbury in 2017 and has been leading interval training workouts since that time.

Be aware that the shape of your life reveals itself to you.

Work your way to a healthy lifestyle, even during the tumultuous times.

To keep yourself and your pet safe from the coronavirus, follow the six-foot and hand washing guidelines set by the CDC.